Exodus 20:16 Verse 16 – You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. Prov. 17:7 – Respected people do not tell lies. I. First you win respect by not giving false testimony TYPES OF FALSE TESTIMONY 1. By gossip. Definition: Prov. 26:20 & 22 – Without wood a fire goes out, without gossip a […]

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Exodus 20:15 – You shall not steal. Prov. 10:2 –  I’ll-gotten gain brings no lasting happiness, but right living does. WRONG WAYS TO GET AHEAD: Dishonesty. Prov. 16:11 – The Lord wants weights and measures to be honest and every sale to be fair. Prov. 20:14 – It’s no good: It’s no good, says the […]

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Affair Proof Your Marriage In 2020  Exodus 20:14 – You shall not commit adultery.  Prov. 20-14 – Be faithful to your own wife and give your love to her alone. 5 INGREDIENTS FOR A LASTING LOVE Respect. Eph. 5:33 – Every husband must love his wire as himself and every wife must respect her husband. […]

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Controlling Your Temper Exodus 20:13 Verse 13 – You shall not murder. The problem with anger. Matt. 5:21-22 – Jesus said, you have heard that it was said long ago do not murder, but I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Truth:  It’s just as evil […]

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Jan. 19, 2020: Avoid Burn Out in 2020

Avoid Burn Out In 2020 Exodus 20:8-9 Verses 8-9 – Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  1. The Sabbath is God’s solution for burn-out.  What is it? It means rest. Why did […]

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Jan. 12, 2020: Taking God Seriously in 2020

Taking God Seriously in 2020 Exodus 20:7 – You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. What’s in a name? Reputation Character Authority  I. Ways God’s Name Can Be Misused Using God’s Name to insult. Using God’s Name to indulge.      Lev. 19:12 – Do not make a promise in My […]

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Jan. 5, 2020: Knowing the Real God in 2020

Knowing the Real God in 2020 JANUARY 5, 2020 Series: 10 Steps To 2020 Success Knowing The Real God In 2020 Exodus 20:4-5 The second commandment is a natural extension of the first.  Once you understand that God is to have first place in your life, the natural question is:  What kind of god is […]

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Dec. 29, 2019: Priorities for 2020

DECEMBER 29, 2019 Series: Steps To 2020 Success Priorities for 2020 Exodus 20:1-3 Just as a new mower comes equipped with an owner’s manual, explaining how to get maximum performance with minimum wear and tear, God has given us the Ten Commandments as instructions for life as it’s meant to be. Why God gave us […]

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