Relieving Financial Tension in the Home

JUNE 16, 2024 RELIEVING FINANCIAL TENSION IN THE HOME According to a Time magazine survey of a few yew years ago, the number one source of arguments in marriage is conflict over money. Gallup reports 56% of divorces are due to financial problems or pressure. Financial problems always occur when we ignore God’s Five Financial […]

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JUNE 9TH AND 23RD THE CHALLENGE OF EXTREME PRESSURE DANIEL 3; SIMILARITIES TO US TODAY The king made a giant gold image of himself to be worshiped. 1. The world creates larger than life images for me to worship. See Daniel 3:1-7 2. I’m tempted to create a false image of myself to impress others. […]

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MAY 26TH & JUNE 2ND, 2024 THE CHALLENGE OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Daniel 2:10-11 – Nobody can do what you ask! What you’re asking is impossible. What God Says About Predicting The Future 1. God says no one knows the future. Ecc. 8:7 – No one can tell the future! 2. All psychics & mediums are […]

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The Challenge of Marital Storms

MAY 12, 2024 THE CHALLENGE OF MARITAL STORMS Matthew 7:24-25 Matt. 7:24-25 – Everyone who hears these words and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not […]

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The Challenge of Your Faith – Part 1

MAY 5TH & 19TH, 2024 THE CHALLENGE OF YOUR FAITH Proverbs 19:8 – Do yourself a favor and learn all you can; then remember what you learn and you will prosper. Proverbs 4:13 – Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life, so guard it well. Proverbs 24:5 – Wisdom brings strength […]

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The Challenge of Temptation – Part 2

THE CHALLENGE OF TEMPTATION APRIL 21 & 28, 2024 Proverbs 17: 3 – Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart. Before every blessing there’s always a testing. I Thess. 2:4 – We speak God’s message because God tested us and trusted us to do it. When we speak, […]

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The Challenge of Temptation – Part 1

THE CHALLENGE OF TEMPTATION APRIL 21 & 28, 2024 Proverbs 17: 3 – Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart. Before every blessing there’s always a testing. I Thess. 2:4 – We speak God’s message because God tested us and trusted us to do it. When we speak, […]

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APRIL 7 & 14, 2024 THE CHALLENGE OF A CRUMBLING FOUNDATION Psalm 82:5 – All the foundations of society are being shaken to the core. Introduction to Daniels’s Life & Book: Daniel 1:1-7 WHAT TO DO 1. Don’t be surprised by adversity. I Peter 4:12 – Dear friends, don’t be shocked or surprised when you […]

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  APRIL 7 & 14, 2024 THE CHALLENGE OF A CRUMBLING FOUNDATION Psalm 82:5 – All the foundations of society are being shaken to the core. Introduction to Daniels’s Life & Book: Daniel 1:1-7 WHAT TO DO 1. Don’t be surprised by adversity. I Peter 4:12 – Dear friends, don’t be shocked or surprised when […]

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