Choosing Intimacy

FAN OR FOLLOWER? CHOOSING INTIMACY Luke 7:36-50 1. God knows us intimately. Gen. 4:1 – Adam knew his wife Eve. Psalm 139 2. God wants you to know Him. 3. Fans choose knowledge, followers embrace intimacy. Luke 7:39, 44 & 45, 47 WILL YOU LET JESUS KNOW YOU?

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The Open Invitation

FAN OR FOLLOWER? THE OPEN INVITATION Luke 9:23 – If anyone comes after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. NOTICE 4 THINGS 1. Anyone is welcome to follow. 2. Anyone means everyone. 3. The excuses are gone. 4. Following means giving my everything.

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Fan or Follower

FAN OR FOLLOWER? Luke 9:23 – If anyone comes after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. 1. Why are you here? John 6;2 – They were coming because of the miracles. John 6:66 – From this time many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him 2. […]

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Feb 23, 2020: Lasting Commitment for 2020

FEBRUARY 23, 2020 Series: 10 Steps To 2020 Success Lasting Contentment For 2020 Exodus 20:17 Verse 17 – You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. Definition: * Excessive desire for what I don’t have. * Envious desire for what others have. How materialism hurts us. * Causes us worry. Matthew 6:25 – […]

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Exodus 20:16 Verse 16 – You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. Prov. 17:7 – Respected people do not tell lies. I. First you win respect by not giving false testimony TYPES OF FALSE TESTIMONY 1. By gossip. Definition: Prov. 26:20 & 22 – Without wood a fire goes out, without gossip a […]

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Exodus 20:15 – You shall not steal. Prov. 10:2 –  I’ll-gotten gain brings no lasting happiness, but right living does. WRONG WAYS TO GET AHEAD: Dishonesty. Prov. 16:11 – The Lord wants weights and measures to be honest and every sale to be fair. Prov. 20:14 – It’s no good: It’s no good, says the […]

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Affair Proof Your Marriage In 2020  Exodus 20:14 – You shall not commit adultery.  Prov. 20-14 – Be faithful to your own wife and give your love to her alone. 5 INGREDIENTS FOR A LASTING LOVE Respect. Eph. 5:33 – Every husband must love his wire as himself and every wife must respect her husband. […]

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Controlling Your Temper Exodus 20:13 Verse 13 – You shall not murder. The problem with anger. Matt. 5:21-22 – Jesus said, you have heard that it was said long ago do not murder, but I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Truth:  It’s just as evil […]

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Jan. 19, 2020: Avoid Burn Out in 2020

Avoid Burn Out In 2020 Exodus 20:8-9 Verses 8-9 – Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  1. The Sabbath is God’s solution for burn-out.  What is it? It means rest. Why did […]

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