October 29, 2023
Series: Serving God In Our Time
Message: Serving God During Opposition
Nehemiah 4:1-23
I. The Tactics of Opposition
1. First Tactic: ridicule. (Vs. 1-3)
He ridiculed the Jews.
2. Second Tactic: organized resistance. (Vs. 6-8)
They all plotted together.
3. Third Tactic: rumor. (Vs. 11-12)
Two Characteristics of Rumors:
1. They are always spread by those closest to the enemy.
2. They are exaggerated the more they are repeated.
Effective Christians don’t swallow rumors.
II. The Effect of Opposition
Verses 10-11 – Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, the strength of the laborers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall. Also, our enemies will attack.
The Effect is discouragement.
When does this usually occur in a project?
When the wall half done.(Vs. 6)
Four Causes of Discouragement:
“Strength, giving out” Fatigue
“So much rubble” Frustration
“We cannot rebuild” Failure
“Enemies will attack us” Fear
III. The Right Response to Opposition
What do you do when you’re under attack?
1. Rely on God. (Vs. 4-5)
Prov. 26:4 – Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself.
The Effective Christian says, when you’re ridiculed, don’t take it out on people, talk it out with God.
2. Respect the opposition. (Vs. 9)
Petition without precaution is presumption.
“Watch and Pray”
Matt. 26:41; Col. 4:2; I Peter 5:8
3. Reinforce your weak points. (Vs. 13)
Effective Christians know: where they are the weakest and they post a guard. (Vs. 16-18)
Effective Christians must build and battle at the same time.
4. Reassure your position. (Vs. 14)
“Remember the Lord.”
5. Refuse to quit. (Vs. 15)
(Vs. 21-23)
Effective Christians are persistent.
A fundamental principle of the Christian Life
Never Give Up