Anchors of Courage

MARCH 29, 2020
Acts 27:20-29

Four Anchors
1. God’s presence with His people
Ver. 23 – Last night an angel of God stood beside me.
Examples: 3 Hebrew children in the furnace
Matt. 28:20 – Lo, I am with you always.
II Tim. 1:12 – I know the One in whom I trust and I
am sure that He is able to safely guard all I have given
2. God’s promises.
Ver. 24 – The angel said, do not be afraid.
Phil. 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me.
3. God’s purpose.
Ver. 24 – You must stand trial before Caesar.
4. Our prayers.
Ver. 39 – They dropped four anchors from the stern
and prayed for daylight.
Examples: Abraham’s prayer for Lot.
Christ is ready to meet you as He did Paul, even in
the midst of the storm.

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