Building A Church For Today’s Generation – Becoming Partners With God

OCTOBER 10, 2021

The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully consecrated to God. – Henry Varley

What type of person does God use:

1. People who are doing the right thing.
Verse 1 – Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer.

2. People who are willing to be interrupted.
Verses 2, 3 – A man crippled saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money.

Interruptions can be viewed as sources of irritations or opportunities for service, as moments lost or experience gained, as time wasted, or horizons widened. They can annoy us or enrich us, get under our skin or give us a shot in the arm, monopolize our minutes or spice our schedules, depending on our attitude toward them. – William Ward

3. People who pay attention to needs.
Verse 4 – Peter looked straight at him as did John. The Peter said, look at us!

Givers are not people with less needs than others. They are people who believe it is more blessed to give than receive.

4. People who inspire hope in others.
Verses 4, 5 – So the man gave them his attention expecting to get something from them.

Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are in making them feel good about you.

5. People who use what they have.
Verse 6 – What I have I give you.

Giving contains a lot of faith in God.
Givers always look for a way to give.

6. People who realize their source is God.
Verse 6 – In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!

Peter and John realized:
God’s power is – His ability to give
God’s provision is – His willingness to give
God’s partnership is – His reason to give

Partnership –
God: supplies.
Man: shares.

Partnership –
God is the creator.
Man is the channel.

Partnership –
God: pours it in.
Man: passes it on.

7. People who are willing to try.
Verses 7-10 – He helped him up, instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.

Giving contains a lot of faith in God.

8. People who want God to receive glory.
Verses 11-12 – Peter said, Why do you stare at us as if by our power we made this man walk?

God gave through Peter and John because they were willing to give what they had. How about us?

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